
Each item (project, aspect, pattern or variation) displayed in the Mote Explorer has its name inferred from its directory name, and its position within the navigation bar sorted alphabetically. Whilst this is a sane default, it is not particularly aesthetically pleasing.

Metadata files make it possible to override these inferred values, as well as allow the declaration of values that can never be inferrred from a directory structure.

Common specification

All items’ metadata share the same minimal specification:

title: Item title
description: Item description
position: 1

Project specification

Mote supports the concept of layering pattern libraries. It makes it possible for a pattern library to inherit from one or more pattern libraries. Define the list of parent pattern libraries in the project’s metadata.yaml, Pattern libraries later in the list override preceding pattern libraries, so if both praekelt and praekeltblue define a pattern anchor then praekeltblue wins.:

    - praekelt
    - praekeltblue