Getting Started


Mote is built using the Django web framework, which means installation is fairly simple over a wide range of operating systems.


Run Mote using mote-lib-base as the only pattern library:

  • virtualenv ve
  • ./ve/bin/pip install -r example/requirements.txt
  • ./ve/bin/python migrate –run-syncdb –settings=example.settings
  • ./ve/bin/python runserver –settings=example.settings

Browse to http://localhost:8000/mote/ to view the pattern libraries.

As part of a Django project

If you are using Django you may want to include Mote as part of your project.

  1. Install or add mote-prk and mote-lib-base to your Python path.
  2. Add mote to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
  3. Register the URL pattern url(r"^mote/", include("mote.urls", namespace="mote")).

Update the template loaders to include mote.loaders.app_directories.Loader. When defining custom loaders you may also be required to set the APP_DIRS template option to False.

A sample TEMPLATES for a simple Django app typically has this form:

        "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
        "DIRS": [],
        "APP_DIRS": False,
        "OPTIONS": {
            "context_processors": [
            "loaders": [

# Greatly speed up rendering during development
    loaders = TEMPLATES[0]["OPTIONS"]["loaders"]
    TEMPLATES[0]["OPTIONS"]["loaders"] = \
        [("mote.loaders.cached.Loader", loaders)]

You may now start the Django instance and browse to http://localhost:8000/mote. The only available pattern library at this point is the base library.


The MOTE setting controls Mote’ operation. It is a dictionary:

MOTE = {
    "project": "myproject",
    "directories": ["/path/to/pattern-lib-one", "/path/to/pattern-lib-two"]

project is only required when using the Django API. See the API section for more information.

directories tells Mote where to find the pattern libraries. Pattern libraries that are packaged as Django Apps are automatically included. Note the directory declaration must not include the mote subdirectory, but the actual directory on the filesystem must. In our example there must therefore exist a directory /path/to/pattern-lib-one/mote/.